Curso B

coche manual

desde 39 €








  • 3 practical driving lessons with an automatic car (each class lasts 45 min)
  • Theory Book in SPANISH
  • Access to all theory tests in English in two platforms during 2 months
  • Computer room (consult centers).
  • Teacher Whatsapp 24/7 to resolve doubts about the theory.
  • Transfer to Practice Exam



  • Book in ENGLISH: 35.00€
  • Tax: 98.90 €
  • Exam Management: 46 € (for theory and practice exams)
  • Driving Exam: 95 €
  • Practical classes (45 minutes) – 39.90 €
  • 6 Class pack - 236 €
  • 11 class pack - 416 €



  • You can buy the theory book in English paying 35€
  • When you do the theorical exam you have to pay 94.05€, that is the taxes, in addition to the €42.50
    Exam Management.
  • Taxes you have to pay only if you fail two exams, if you pass both exams for the first time you have to pay taxes only once.
  • When you go to the Driving exam, you have to pay 135.40€.
  • The theorical classes are in Spanish but but the theorical exam can be done in English
  • The theorical test are in english.
  • The practical classes and the driving exam are in Spanish.



  • A Theory test of 30 questions where a maximum of 3 mistakes is allowed. Test can be made in Spanish, English, French and German. Examinations can be taken at Jefatura Provincial de Tráfico de Móstoles.
  • A Practical test of 25 minutes duration approximately. These will be held on the open highways of Móstoles. The requirements for both tests are: ID card (Tarjeta de Residencia) and a medical certificate issued in a Spanish medical centre.





coche automático

por 99€



  • 3 clases de circulación de 45 minutos
  • Matrícula
  • Libros
  • Profesor WhatsApp
  • Plataforma Test de examen
  • Sala de ordenadores
  • Curso Programado Teórico
  • Clases prácticas por recorridos de examen
  • Traslado al centro de examen práctico

Matricula Online

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  • Tasa: 94,05 €
  • Clases de Circulación (45 Min): 38.95 € 
  • Bono 6 Clases 230.50 €
  • Bono 11 Clases 400 €
  • Gestión del examen: 44,50 €
  • Examen de Coche: 95 €

Pruebas a realizar

  • Examen psicotécnico (una vez la valoración se apta,  se pasa a la prueba en pista)
  • Prueba en pista para evaluación de la discapacidad alumno.
  • Examen Teórico
  • Examen Práctico


¿Por qué debo sacarme el carnet de coche con Autoescuela Lara?

En Autoescuela Lara queremos que todo el mundo pueda cumplir su deseo de conducir y así poder trasladarse de forma autónoma, sin necesidad de depender de un otro conductor o de recurrir al transporte público.

Para ayudar a todas las personas pertenecientes a colectivos con algún tipo de discapacidad física, Autoescuela Lara pone a su disposición el carnet tipo B adaptado a personas con movilidad reducida  a un precio increíble que se ajusta a todo tipo de bolsillos, para que el dinero no sea un impedimento para conseguir el deseo del  alumno de aprender a conducir.

Autoescuela Lara es una de las pocas autoescuelas de la Comunidad de Madrid que ofrecen este carnet especializado y que, además, cuenta con profesores especializados en la enseñanza práctica de esta formación adaptada, de forma que las clases de conducir prácticas estén 100% orientadas al alumno y dirigidas a que este aprenda a manejarse en la carretera con autonomía e independencia en un su vehículo convenientemente adaptado.

¿A qué tipo de pruebas tiene que presentarse un alumno que quiera aprobar el examen de carnet de conducir para personas con movilidad reducida?

Un alumno que cumpla los requisitos para examinarse de este tipo de examen, pasando la prueba del examen psicotécnico y la valoración sea APTA, tiene que presentarse a las pruebas que se componen de:

  • Prueba de discapacidad: los alumnos con algún tipo de minusvalía física deberán realizar esta prueba determinada por la DGT en un circuito cerrado y adaptado para los alumnos en el que demostrarán sus habilidades realizando maniobras como giros a la izquierda, ceda el paso, stop, semáforos. ¡Todo esto se lo enseñaremos durante las clases prácticas con un profesor especializado!
  • Examen Teórico: el alumno se presentará junto con sus compañeros a la prueba tipo test que la DGT marca para obtener una licencia de conducción. Autoescuela Lara prepara a sus alumnos con clases teóricas en las que se explica de principio a fin el temario del examen, siguiendo el libro que incluye la matrícula del alumno en nuestra autoescuela. Además, el alumno tiene acceso a un número ilimitado de clases teóricas. Nuestro principal interés que todos nuestros alumnos aprueben a la primera el carnet de conducir y para eso les ofrecemos una educación de gran calidad al mejor precio.
  • Examen Práctico: el alumno se examinará como todos sus compañeros de esta modalidad de examen en vía urbana, siempre y cuando haya aprobado antes la prueba de maniobras de discapacidad. De esta forma se evaluará su aprendizaje y su manejo de la conducción y del vehículo. Para que el alumno vaya tranquilo al examen, el profesor tendrá contacto con él vía whatsapp y le ofreceremos siempre y en todo momento ayuda y atención personalizada para que pueda aprobar el carnet de conducir a la primera.

En caso de que quieras más información sobre este curso o sobre las ofertas que están disponibles, nos ponemos a tu disposición para solucionar de forma personalizada cualquier duda o cuestión. Solo tienes que escribirnos a Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. o llamarnos al 91 864 32 80










The course includes:
  • 3 practical driving lessons of 45 min
  • Theory Book in Spanish
  • Access to all theory test in English in two platforms during 2 months
  • Computer room (consult centers)
  • Teacher Whatsapp 24/7
  • Transfer to Practice Exam





The course include:
  • 15 practical driving lessons of 45 min
  • Theory Book in Spanish
  • Access to all theory test in English in two platforms during 2 months
  • Computer room (consult centers)
  • Teacher Whatsapp 24/7
  • Transfer to Practice Exam



  • Book in English: 35.00€.
  • Tax: 98.90 €.
  • Exam management: 46 € (for theory and practice exames).
  • Driving exam: 95 €.
  • Practical classes (45 minutes) – 37.70 €.
  • 6 Class pack – 215.50 € 
  • 11 Class pack - 385 € 


  • You can buy the theory book in English paying 35€
  • When you do the theorical exam you have to pay 94.05€, that is the taxes, in addition to the €42.50
    Exam Management.
  • Taxes you have to pay only if you fail two exams, if you pass both exams for the first time you have to pay taxes only once.
  • When you go to the Driving exam, you have to pay 135.40€.
  • The theorical classes are in Spanish but but the theorical exam can be done in English
  • The theorical test are in english.
  • The practical classes and the driving exam are in Spanish.



  • A Theory test of 30 questions where a maximum of 3 mistakes is allowed. Test can be made in Spanish, English, French and German. Examinations can be taken at Jefatura Provincial de Tráfico de Móstoles.
  • A Practical test of 25 minutes duration approximately. These will be held on the open highways of Móstoles. The requirements for both tests are: ID card (Tarjeta de Residencia) and a medical certificate issued in a Spanish medical centre.






  • 5 practical driving lessons with a manual car of 45 minutes each OR practical driving lessons with an automatic car of 45 minutes each
  •  Registration
  •  English Theory books for your theory test
  •  Access to all theory test in English, either by internet or at the driving school facilities
  •  Computer room
  •  Practical classes for exam tours


Online Registration

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  • When you do the theorical test you have to pay 94,05€, that is the taxes, and 42,50€
  • Taxes you have to pay only if you fail two exams, if you pass both exams for the first time you have to pay taxes once
  • When you go to the practical exam you have to pay 135,40€

The theorical classes are in English, also the theorical test. However the practical classes and the exam Spanish.

  • Tasa: 94,05€
  • Circulation Classes (45 minutes) – 34.50€
  • 6 class package  199,90€ (each class cost 33,31€
  • 11 class package 345€ (each class cost 31,36€)
  • Exam management: 42.50€
  • Car exam: 92,90€
  • Tasa: 94,05€
  • Circulation Classes (45 minutes) - 37.20€
  • 11 class package - 379€ (each class cost 34,45€)
  • Exam management: 42,50€
  • Car exam: 92,90€


What does enrollment include:

Tests to perform:

  • A Theory test of 30 questions where a maximum of 3 mistakes is allowed . Test can be undertaken in Spanish , English, French and German. Examinations can be taken at Jefatura Provincial de Tráfico de Móstoles.
  • A Practical test of 25 minutes duration approximately . These will be held on the open highways of Móstoles. The requirements for both tests are: ID card (Tarjeta de Residencia) and a medical certificate issued in a Spanish medical centre.

banner inenglish

Validity of EU Driving licences:

EU Driving licences are valid permanently only when the licence holder has passed a psychophysical medical test in the periods established for the Spanish law , now days every 10 years until the holder reach 65 years old , and after 65 years old every 5 years , counting from the first day of his her residency . If the candidate fails the psychophysical medical test the licence will no longer be valid . Expired EU Driving licences are no longer valid in Spain

If you need English staff, please. Adress yourself to our office sited in Serrano.

Validity of foreign driving license in spain:

  • Driving licenses that have been issued in any country of the European Community or those within the European Economic Zone Iceland , Liechtenstein and Norway ) are valid permanently . A license issued in any other country is only valid in Spain for the period of six months maximum , counted from the first day that the license holder obtain residency in Spain . After this time, these licenses are not longer valid , and it will be necessary to obtain a Spanish driving license . However , Spain holds an agreement with the following countries that license holders are able to simply exchange their licenses after six months
  • Countries that Spain holds an agreement with are: Algeria , Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Croatia , Ecuador, Morocco , Peru , Dominican Republic , Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela, Brazil, El Salvador, Philippines , Guatemala, Tunisia , Panama , Nicaragua, Serbia, Andorra, Korea , Ukraine , Macedonia, Japan and Switzerland. In conclusion : Non EU license holders , and those not from the countries listed above , after six months will have to sit a Spanish driving test to continue driving within Spain

For more information

If you need more information , you can call the following phone number: 625 120 310
Or if you prefer to speak with staff in English, please, address yourself to our office sited in:

Calle Alberto Alcocer 47
91 350 12 91

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